Thursday, October 29, 2009

A good beginning...

So here I go again.

I have been on WW for a week now and so far so good. Wow, go me.. a whole week! ;)

I was reading somewhere about the journey we go on when we decide to try to lose some weight. How the 'journey' is more important than the end, how we need to stay dedicated to the journey. I say rubbish to that! I don't want the journey, hell if I could go straight to the end result I would. Everyone would... and I have pretty much tried them all.
- Jenny Craig - Food tasted plastic and made the toilet and I become best buddies.
- Shakes - Too hard to combine with family life. Make the family yummy ham sandwitches while I drink a shake.. err no thanks.
- Atkins - Fabulous weight loss, it just fell off me. I missed bread and citrus fruit. Really restricted food choice, I like variety damn it! Once again hard to combine with family meals.

I have been really strong over the last week, not finishing a plate of food, pushing away bad stuff, making good choices and feeling stronger for it. Maybe strong is not the right word.. control is a better way to explain it. I feel 'in control'. For how long.. who knows. I don't want to be all yay yay positive, because when you once again fail... it's such a long way to fall. I am being positively pessimistic ;)

I used the Wii Fit today. It's fun, it's private, and I just dig those little Wii people exercising their pixelated butts off. I have to be careful of my right shoulder though, I was using it a few months ago and ended up screwing up my shoulder. So I am concentrating on aerobic exercise and staying away from the muscle strengthening stuff.

I just put Nerissa down for her afternoon nap and I feel like one myself! hehe


  1. I'm with you there....this journey is long. If I could skip to the end I definitely would!!!

    I'm glad for WW forums, it means we can read more weight loss blogs. its interesting and really helps me stay on track. I'm sure I'll be reading more from you :)

  2. hey Paige, I agree, the WW forums make it more of a shared journey for us all, which I do think helps keep you motivated. There are times when I just want to give up and a quick read of the forums and I am usually back on track... usually lol
