Monday, November 9, 2009

I think the Diet gods were looking down fondly on me this morning, as I had a .6 loss :)

I am thinking all this cleaning has helped, as it has certainly kept me on the go and moving about. But man, I am absolutely worn out now. I went into Nerissa's (3) room to vacumn this morning and I ended up completely moving her furniture around. We are trying to entice her out of her cot and into a big bed, I thought a new look for her room might help... we'll have to see on that one lol

Jarrod bought home fried rice for lunch for us... it was yummy.. and of course I had too much of it ;)
I am cooking Chicken Chasseur for tea, a recipe I found on the WW site, it looks yummy. :)


  1. Hi Kay
    Great job on your loss this week - keep up the great work.

  2. Thanks, Jody!
    It was a nice suprise :)
