Saturday, November 7, 2009

A strange thing happened last night. I stepped onto the scales after I had a shower and it read 138.1 kg. My eyes almost fell out of my head! When I weighed in on Tuesday I was 138.6... how in the world did I lose half a kilo in 4 days, when I have been over doing the food a fair bit for the past 3 days. It's like a miracle LOL

Now I feel so guilty, it's as if my body has given me a bonus weight loss even though I did nothing to deserve it. Now I really feel like I need to stick to my points and pay my body back for it's kind gift LOL I know it sounds insane ;)

Mind you, maybe my body is just playing mind tricks with me and I will get on the scales on tuesday and the miracle half a kilo will reappear lol


  1. Haha, I wish my body would do this for me!! I hope your weigh in goes well tomorrow!! I'm sure that extra exercise moving all that furniture will have done you good.

  2. haha yes I think the moving furniture did help! I wasn't expecting any loss at all and to have a .6 loss... well that was a nice suprise :)
