Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weigh in Day

No loss this week, but no gain either.. so I guess that's something good. It's TTOTM at the moment and I don't want to use that as an excuse for not losing weight, but I don't think it helps. I have a goal to get to 135 by the end of the month, it's very doable... as long as I pull my finger out!

I need to exercise more, or at all really ;) I don't know, I seem to be always busy and always on my feet, when I get 5 mins to myself the last thing I want to do is bloody exercise. There is very little peace and quiet when you are running around after a 3 year old all day. Add a social 16 year old and energetic 10 year old into the mix and things get !@#$! hectic.

But there I go, making excuses again......

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